
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 14:11:38
1.到他10岁时,他已经能熟练地使用电脑了.(by the time)


3.你知道这支笔是谁的吗?(belong to)

4.张朝阳成了IT行业的领军人物.(leading figure)

5.她走上台,拿起话筒,开始宣布竞赛结果.(did,did,and did)



1 By the time of 10 years old, he had already used the computer prastisely.
2 I can't imagine living in so dirty a room for a year!
3 Do you know who belong to this pen?
4 Mr Zhang Chaoyang becomes a leading figure in the IT.
5 She walked onto the platform, picked up the microphone and announced the result of competition.

1.when he is ten he can use the computer by the time

2.i can't imagine to live for one year in the dirty room

3. do you konw whoes the pen is ?

4. zhang chaoyang becomes the leading figure in the IT

5.she walked to the platform picked up the microphone began to announce the result of the competition

by the time when he is 10 years old,he has already gotten good command of computer.
2.i can not imagine living in so dirty a house for whole one year.
3.do you konw whom this pen belongs to?
4.zhang chao becomes the leading figure in the